Beyond the Border Between the North and the South: Towards a Decolonization of Epistemologies and Fields of Research on Mercosur

Karine de Souza Silva


This article aims at presenting the possibilities of introducing Decolonial approaches in the field of research on Regionalisms. It states that Eurocentrism and lack of epistemic alternatives produced in the South are the main obstacles to undertaking in-depth studies on Mercosur.
The use of critical approaches and “border epistemologies” in the field of regional integration is innovative and useful because they offer the opportunity of including other epistemic spaces and places of enunciation in order to open territories for pluriversal, non-hierarchical dialog with “knowledges others”.

Palabras clave

Decoloniality; Mercosur; critical approaches; fields of research

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ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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