Brazil’s institutional dissonance and its challenges for the Rio+20 conference

Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau, Carlos Henrique Rubens Tomé Silva, Fernanda Viana de Carvalho


The first aim of this article is to assess how compatible Brazilian foreign policy and domestic policy related to sustainable development issues are at the very moment the Rio Conference took place. Trachtman, Keohane & Victor, and Hathaway were part of the theoretical framework to analyze two intertwined cases: climate change and the reform of the forest code. The main conclusion is that Brazil is experimenting a period of institutional fragility, notably due to the dissonance between the Legislative and the Executive powers concerning the easy adherence to multilateral environmental agreements and their difficult process to enact the legal rule as a national measure, and finally comply with them. As a consequence, the Brazilian international obligations are not necessarily followed by domestic measures, jeopardizing Brazil’s capacity to honor its international commitments. The originality of this text consists of its interdisciplinary approach between law and international politics considering states and subnational actors.


Rio+20. Mudança do clima. Código Florestal. Diversidade biológica. Dissonância institucional.


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ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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