Government's Official’s Professionalism in Public Service (Case Study in Licensing Service Innovation in Pinrang District, South Sulawesi)

Badu Ahmad, Muh. Nur Sadik, Adnan Nasution


This study aimed to analyze the professionalism of the government officials and the factors that influence the official's professionalism in implementing license service innovations, as well as the strategy to develop it. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze the research objectives comprehensively. The informant was determined by purposive sampling of 12 people who understood the substance of the study problem. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect the data. The leadership and operational staff in the service unit were quite professional in doing their main tasks policy, which was supported by the existence of the regent's policy to follow the technical guidance. The strategy to improve the government official's professionalism was: maintaining the relationship between superiors and subordinates; follow the technical guidance; upholding integrity; giving rewards to high-performing government officials and honorary staff, and repositioning the government officials based on the job evaluation.


government officials; innovation; licensing services; public service; professionalism.

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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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