Marketing strategies of transnational corporations in a global market marked by different levels of development of the nations: a case study of The Coca-Cola Company

Luciana Cantuária Lôbo, Selma Carvalho


This work aimed to verify the degree of alignment of the strategy of composition of the mix of the products of transnational corporations with different levels of development of the consumer markets of countries where they act. For this objective, the research followed a descriptive-quantitative conception, and it is based in the method of single case study of The Coca-Cola Company. The methodology was based in the calculation of the index of Pearson's correlation between two variables: the Human Development Index and the number of categories of marketed products in each country in which the company studied operates. The results show a high positive correlation between the two variables considered. Thus, it is believed that the main contribution of this work is pointing to the strategy of local adaptation of the organization studied to meet the specific needs of the population in a profitable way in each country, as it is perceived that the new consumption trends are not necessarily occurring evenly among nations, especially among the high and low HDI.



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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail:

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