Fluxos Migracionais na Fronteira Brasil-Bolívia: Imigração Irregular, Causas e Vítimas - doi:10.5102/uri.v8i1.1121

Marcela Tomaz


This article summarizes the specific issue of illegal immigration from Bolivia to Brazil and its consequences, from which it is observed how this population became the largest group among Latin Americans living in the country simultaneously. Will be also treated how public policy can guarantee human rights to these migrants, often subjected to degrading working conditions, or victimized by physical violence, sexual exploitation and drug trafficking. It’s important to emphasize another factor that becomes important in this process of migration: remittances that these migrants send to their original country, which are unevenly widely distributed in local economies. The reflections also contemplate the causes that motivate these people in search of a supposedly better life, just like the problems faced in Bolivia which contribute to migration. Will be observed how the Brazilian government reacted to this influx of Bolivians, analyzing migration policies, which mostly become political control, in which the human rights of these citizens are at the mercy of violations committed within the juridical orbit of the legal state.


Imigração irregular. Bolivianos. Políticas migratórias. Direitos humanos.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/uri.v8i1.1121


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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail: universitas.rel@uniceub.br

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