The oral arguments of Uruguay at the International Court of Justice in the case concerning Pulps Mills on the River Uruguay

Juan Manuel Rivero Godoy


The present article is about the hearings introduced by the Uruguayan´s government lead between 21 to 24 of September and 1 to 2 October of 2009 at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), The Hague, Netherlands. The first rond of hearings consist on showing the different juridical arguments alleged by Uruguay against Argentina´s hearings. The second one is a short brief that pretends highlight the main points during all process, which allows a final sentence by the ICJ.


Corte Internacional de justicia-CIJ-argumentos; primera ronda de alegatos de Uruguay; contaminación ambiental; estatuto del Río Uruguay; medidas coercitivas extrajudiciales.



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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail:

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