Judiciary and the right to health

João Luis Nogueira Matias


The paper will focus on the right to health. Despite numerous public policies
aimed at the fundamental right to health, with the expenditure of large
amounts of resources, it is certain that social demands have not been met,
which entails the provocation of the judiciary in order to make it concrete.
The role of the judiciary limits make up the core of the article. From the
perspective of classical liberal ideas, state functions are well defined, preventing
the judiciary from acting in the control of public policies. However,
contemporary society requires a new standard of performance in order to
make real the constitutional promises. From the overcoming of the ideas
emanating from the French Revolution, it is postulated a new role of the
judiciary action. It will be analyzed practical aspects of the achievement of
the right to health. The research is bibliographical and documentary.


Direito à saúde; Direitos fundamentais; Poder judiciário e efetivação de direitos.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rbpp.v5i1.3377

ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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