Sustainable public procurement: the principle of sustainability faced beyond the environmental issue

Thiago Freitas


Th e main purpose of this article is to analyze if the diff erentiated and preferential treatment that must be applied to the microenterprise and the small businesses in public procurement can be considered a viable mean to promote the paradigm of sustainability in its social and economical terms. Both in the investigation stage as in writing this article the method used was the deductive. We started by analyzing the literature relevant to the subject for further formulation of the conclusion of this research. Th e article aims to demonstrate that the paradigm of sustainability in the public procurement does not stay restricted to the environmental issue, being pluridimensional (social, ethical, legal and political, economical and environmental), i.e, sustainability transcends the realm of the merely environmental and is interlinked with other areas in a holistic way in order to achieve a state of homeostasis. Doctrinal positions pro and against these arguments will be presented, but the conclusion of this article is in favor of the viability of the diff erentiated treatment at the actual Brazilian scenario. Despite the existence of laws both in the USA and in some European countries that treat this subject, in Brazil the legislation is new and there are just a few scientifi c works ho studies the issue of sustainability by the social and economic focuses. Th e relevance of this article is to fi ll this gap and to promote this nascent issue in the brazilian scientific community.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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Logomarca da Lepidus Tecnologia